Log Management Loki last commit 3 hours ago, GNU AGPLv3 Like Prometheus, but for logs. loki grafana prometheus logging cloudnative hacktoberfest 25k created 7 years ago 2k commits past year Past year of activity
Log Management GoAccess last commit 42 minutes ago, MIT License GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser. goaccess c real-time data-analysis analytics nginx apache webserver web-analytics monitoring 19k created 12 years ago 91 commits past year Past year of activity
Log Management Fluentd last commit 2 days ago, Apache License 2.0 Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF) fluentd logging data-collector ruby cncf 13k created 14 years ago 252 commits past year Past year of activity
Log Management rsyslog last commit 14 days ago, GNU LGPLv3 a Rocket-fast SYStem for LOG processing logging syslog c kafka elasticsearch rsyslog mongodb 2k created 12 years ago 211 commits past year Past year of activity
Log Management Flume `Apache-2.0` `Java` Distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. created a few seconds ago