Genealogy webtrees last commit 2 days ago, GNU GPLv3 Online genealogy webtrees genealogy family-history family-tree gedcom 539 created 12 years ago 413 commits past year Past year of activity
Genealogy GeneWeb last commit a day ago, GNU GPLv2 GeneWeb is a free (as in free speech) genealogy software with a web interface created by Daniel de Rauglaudre. genealogy software web database family-tree graph consanguinity ocaml linux osx 331 created 11 years ago 395 commits past year Past year of activity
Genealogy last commit 3 years ago, MIT License Visually build and edit family trees online. Genea is a completely serverless solution for consuming and authoring GEDCOM genealogy data. genea family-tree gedcom genealogy serverless 218 created 4 years ago 0 commits past year Past year of activity
Genealogy Gramps Web last commit 9 days ago, GNU AGPLv3 A RESTful web API for Gramps - backend of Gramps Web flask genealogy gramps python rest-api 94 created 5 years ago 99 commits past year Past year of activity