Identity Management -Single Sign-On (SSO) KeyCloak last commit a day ago, Apache License 2.0 Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services keycloak oidc saml 25k created 12 years ago 3k commits past year Past year of activity
Identity Management -Single Sign-On (SSO) Authelia last commit an hour ago, Apache License 2.0 The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps totp u2f ldap sso-authentication yubikey two-factor-authentication docker kubernetes sso multifactor 23k created 8 years ago 2k commits past year Past year of activity
Identity Management -Single Sign-On (SSO) Authentik last commit 12 minutes ago, Other License The authentication glue you need. saml saml-idp saml-sp oauth2 oauth2-server oauth2-client oidc oidc-provider oidc-client sso 15k created 5 years ago 3k commits past year Past year of activity