Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Open Food Network last commit 7 hours ago, GNU AGPLv3 Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce. food ruby food-hubs rails farmers sustainable-consumption nonprofit hacktoberfest 1k created 12 years ago 2k commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Foodsoft last commit 12 hours ago, Other License Web-based software to manage a non-profit food coop (product catalog, ordering, accounting, job scheduling). food-cooperative foodcoop food cooperative product-catalog membership foodsoft 334 created 16 years ago 18 commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) FoodCoopShop last commit 6 hours ago, GNU AGPLv3 Open source software for food coops and local shops 🥕🍏 🧀 cakephp foodcoop food-coop docker-dev 99 created 9 years ago 504 commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) teikei last commit 2 months ago, GNU AGPLv3 A web application that maps out community-supported agriculture in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, based on crowdsourced data. javascript leafletjs nodejs react csa crowdsourcing 61 created 11 years ago 98 commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) juntagrico last commit 4 hours ago, GNU LGPLv3 juntagrico is a management platform for community gardens and vegetable cooperatives. python django cooperative community 48 created 8 years ago 386 commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) E-Label last commit 2 months ago, MIT License Open-source solution for electronic labels on wine bottles. e-label qr-code wine elabel label wine-qr asp-net-core asp-net-mvc docker 25 created a year ago 26 commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) OpenOlitor last commit 4 months ago, GNU AGPLv3 Server Backend der OpenOlitor Administrationsplattform 20 created 9 years ago 179 commits past year Past year of activity
Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) ACP Admin `MIT` `Ruby` CSA administration. Manage members, subscriptions, deliveries, drop-off locations, member participation, invoices and emails created a few seconds ago